Rome to Seville!  

What an amazing time co-leading a Sephardic music and food travel experience from Rome to Seville through Savor, my program with chef Susan Barocas! We started off the adventure exploring the wonders of ancient Rome as well as its unique Jewish history. We loved walking through the Jewish ghetto learning about the Jewish community that has lived in Italy for thousands of years, and we capped off our experience by having a special Shabbat dinner with members of the Roman Jewish community. Then we boarded the Oceania Sirena for a 10-day cruise through Mediterranean ports with vibrant Jewish history, such as Tuscany, Portofino, the Cote d'Azur, Marseille, Barcelona, Alicante, Tangier and Seville. Throughout the trip we learned about the unique food ways and musical traditions of the region. From a private Spanish guitar performance, to a special Jewish history tour in Seville with Savor-participating chef Hélene Jawhara Piñer, participants were treated to unique, off-the-beaten path experiences. Make sure to sign up for my mailing list so you hear about the trip we're leading in 2025! 

Greek Jewish Festival 

What a treat it is each year to participate in the Greek Jewish Festival in New York, sponsored by the Kehila Kedosha Janina (KKJ) synagogue in New York City. Only in NYC can several city blocks be closed to support such a joyous gathering of people who want to celebrate Greek Jewish life! I was presenting with Susan Barocas, my partner in Savor: A Sephardic Music & Food Experience, and together we had a stand to talk all things Sephardic music, food, culture and more!

New Children's Books Coming!  

Exciting news! I've got 3 new children's books coming out in 2025! Here's the latest book sale, to be joined by Uno, Dos, Tres: A Sephardic Counting Book (PJ Library Publishing, Spring 2025) and Bavajadas! That's Just Silly! (PJ Library Publishing, Fall 2025). I can't wait to get more Sephardic and Ladino-themed books into the hands of young families in the year(s) to come!

Double the Fun 

It's rare that I get the chance to share the stage with other Ladino singers, and that's just what I got to do this month with the wonderful Susana Behar. Together, we created a new program called Suenyos de Sefarad - Dreams of Sepharad. Combining songs old and news, we premiered the show for the 10th Annual International Ladino Day of South Florida. It was such a joy and I hope we get to replicate the program in other cities. Two Ladino singers in one beautiful program! Contact me if you're interested in learning more.

American Ladino League 

I am so excited to announce the launch of the American Ladino League, of which I am on the board! 
The mission: The American Ladino League (ALL) supports the diverse and growing community of Ladino speakers and educators in the United States. We believe in opening Ladino studies to all who are interested. Whatever your background, whatever your goals – our suite of programs and resources will help you on your Ladino journey. 

Check it all out by clicking below:

New Web Series: The Livros Lookout!  

After 2 full years of weekly postings of the Refran Rundown, in which I dissected entertaining (and wise!) Ladino proverbs, I launched my new series, the Livros Lookout, at the start of 2024! In this weekly series I present books across genres (novels, history, poetry, children's books, resource books and more) that contain Ladino words or phrases. Get those reading glasses ready and be on the lookout with me via my pages on TikTok, IG or Facebook!

Passing the Torch 

What a beautiful way to end 2023 by passing the torch on to the next recipient of the Young Leadership Award at the Sephardic Brotherhood of America's International Sephardic Community Gala in new York City. As the honoree in 2021, it was my pleasure this year to pass the award on to the extraordinary historian and professor, Dr. Devin E. Naar. He has done so much through his position at the University of Washington, Seattle to build up the profile of Sephardic studies the world over. He couldn't be more deserving! 


100th Refran Rundown!  

I did it! I just posted the 100th episode of my weekly Refran Rundown (Ladino proverb breakdown)! I began the project 2 years ago as a way to engage with more people around aspects of Ladino culture that I love. Each week I've selected a proverb, or refran, and given my interpretation of the sometimes silly and obscure sayings. It has been a delight! You can catch all of them so far on my TikTok, Instagram or YouTube channels, enjoy! 

Light in the Darkness  

It has been a challenging month with the recent horrific attacks in Israel and the violent aftermath affecting so many innocent people. When life feels dark, I cling to what inspires me. And this woman surely does. This remarkable human (my first cousin from my grandfather) was born in Salonika, Greece and grew up in Monastir (now Bitola, N. Macedonia) and was one of the 2% of Jews from that city who survived WWII. This month she turned 106 (!!!!!) years young. She has survived multiple wars, multiple bouts of COVID and much hardship in her 106 years of life. Yes she still offers grace, blessings and hope to everyone who is lucky enough to know her. She is my light in the darkness. 

Savor Trip Adventure #2! 

I can't believe I get to do this for work! Our first trip was such a success, that I am leading another trip with my Savor co-director Susan Barocas next spring 2024. Join us as we explore Roman Jewish culture and then sail the luxury Oceania Sirena to fabulous ports in the Mediterranean tasting and discovering the richness of Sephardic culture past and present. Join us! Click on the image below to learn more.

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